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Love good music? Would like to taste the World? Wish to unwind and discover new voices? Or just want to feel good in a great company at a beautiful place by the Lake Balaton…

According to current regulations, visitors can only enter at the festival site with a valid vaccination card. We will check your vaccination card and ID document at the gates, and reserve the right to check them at any time during the event.

This year all programs will take place in the Babel Camp area.

We reserve the right to make changes in the program!

2021.07.19 - monday
Time Program Type Venue
21:00Fish In Oil (Serbia)ConcertBabel Camp Main Stage
22:30Alex Torres (Peru)ConcertBabel Pub

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2021.07.20 - tuesday
Time Program Type Venue
18:00Déri András / Mysterium Cosmographicum (Hungary)Dance theaterBabel Camp Great Hall
19:30D.A.S. Trió (Hungary)ConcertJazz Cellar
21:00Naked (Serbia)ConcertBabel Camp Main Stage
22:30Napfonat (Hungary)ConcertBabel Pub

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2021.07.21 - wednesday
Time Program Type Venue
18:00Veres Flóra: Talking Bodies: Sosem voltam még ennyi se/I have never been this before (Hungary)Dance theaterBabel Camp Great Hall
19:30Katrīna Dimanta és Móser Ádám (Latvian - Hungary)ConcertJazz Cellar
21:00Chalaban (Morocco - Hungary)ConcertBabel Camp Main Stage
22:30perpetuum (Hungary)ConcertBabel Pub

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2021.07.22 - thursday
Time Program Type Venue
18:00Veres Flóra / Talking Bodies: Egy az Egyben (Hungary)Dance theaterBabel Camp Great Hall
19:30Santa Diver (Hungary)ConcertJazz Cellar
21:00MiraMundo (Catalonia, Spain)ConcertBabel Camp Main Stage
22:30Yukatengi (Hungary)ConcertBabel Pub

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2021.07.23 - friday
Time Program Type Venue
18:00„Lábán és mi – avagy egy polihisztor öröksége” (Hungary)Dance theaterBabel Camp Great Hall
19:30Zefiroth (Hungary)ConcertJazz Cellar
21:00Lakatos Mónika és a Cigány Hangok – meglepetés vendégekkel (Hungary)ConcertBabel Camp Main Stage
22:30Quartetto Areasud (Italy)ConcertBabel Pub

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2021.07.24 - saturday
Time Program Type Venue
18:00„Egyúton/Growing” (Hungary)Dance theaterBabel Camp Great Hall
19:30Meszecsinka duó (Bulgaria - Hungary)ConcertJazz Cellar
21:00NuFolk Global Connections Orchestra (Intarnational)ConcertBabel Camp Main Stage
22:30Babel Fusion Jam (Intarnational)ConcertBabel Pub

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